Tales of Legendary Lust: Aphrodisia, Build#2 Content Release & Major Update (+Changelog!)

Greetings, adventurers! :)

It's finally out! After months of work, we're proud to present the first major update for Tales of Legendary Lust: Aphrodisia, our hand-painted 2D erotic RPG! Following up on the lewd CYOA from the previous build, this update sees you leaving your cozy cabin alongside Meredith, your loving waifu, and entering the wider area around your homebase of Fort Ninevus...

The forested exterior that encircles the Fort stretches for miles...

Here's you'll first get your bearings, then proceed to pick up further orders as you explore the area and interact with its civilians... as well as members of the military who serve in the Fort's Ninth Legion. The recent greenskin raid on the Fort has left many fearful, and it's up to you, as the Fort's Captain, to reassure them by helping where you can... and profiting handsomely while you're at it! Along the way, you'll run into various individuals who'll ask for your aid...

A couple of the colorful personalities you can meet while exploring...

This content update brings about 6-7 hours of playtime (in addition to the massive 45-min intro section featuring a lewd CYOA). It also introduces the sandbox elements of the game, allowing players to roam across the map and tackle content in any order they like. There's plenty of role-playing to be had, and just as many ways for a shrewd Captain to enrich himself! As befitting your lofty station, you'll be asked to make rulings, decide on matters of importance, and pass judgment as others petition you to resolve their problems...

Captain Hale, faced with just one of many difficult decisions...

You'll guide the Captain, and in doing so you'll mold him into just the type of protagonist perfect for your playstyle! With multiple Archetypes to choose from, you can be a Crusader, Soldier, Mercenary, Lecher, Warlord, and so on, each of these allowing you to role-play as you would in a tabletop campaign! You can choose not just who to help (or harm!), but how; we give you the tools, and let you make your own decisions! And in between, you'll investigate the greenskin menace as you and Meredith track the savage orcs... quite literally!

Captain Hale, and his trusty companion, the paladin Meredith von Mhyr.

You'll also be called to visit the Fort's Commander, Lord Maxwell Ashcroft... You're Captain of Fort Ninevus (and the second-in-command of it), so you have certain duties to fulfill as you bear the burden of leadership... It's up to you to recruit, organize, train, and arm the men and women of the Fort's elite First Company who serve directly under your banner. While your core party (active companions like Meredith) are the scalpel you'll personally lead into battle, your Retinue is the sledgehammer you'll eventually send to weaken enemy positions and bludgeon large groups of hostiles into submission!

Leadership comes with many perks... but also just as many responsibilities!

And in between doing all of this, you'll be free to explore the great outdoors at your pace, interacting with those you find there. Not every quest is a world-ending affair: some are simple, down-to-earth interactions with people who are struggling with very personal problems... like Wulfric Gnarlfist, a barbarian trader whose stock is being held up, and who can't leave the Fort until the provisions he's purchased for his isolated tundra village are released... Will you use your authority to help the man? Or exploit the situation for personal gain?

Wulfric Gnarlfist, one of the fearsome Eisvolk, aka barbarians...

Resource acquisition also plays an important part in the game, and its role will only increase with time as we add crafting options... Exterior areas are filled with raw resources ripe for the plucking: stone, ore, precious gems, valuable crystals, herbs, lumber, mushrooms, and so much more, all of it harvestable! Whether you're hunting wild game or butchering a carcass, every morsel of material will find its place and use in your service...

Resources exist everywhere you go, and can be harvested with time and effort!

And for everything else, there's also specific interactables that give unique rewards... Is your character feeling down after a particular encounter? Take a swig from your trusty flask to raise your spirits! Strolling through the woods, only to trip a dead body? Loot it for items and provisions! And then come back to an inn after a hard day of adventuring to take a refreshing nap on a soft, scented bed... just to awaken and set out in search of adventure again!

Some of the many interaction icons used to help you navigate the game world.

While it might seem like we've revealed the entire game, everything mentioned above is just a small part of the Build#2 content release! This update represents the culmination of over a year's worth of labor, and we hope you'll enjoy playing it as much as we've enjoyed crafting it! There's still much work left to be done (more maps to complete, more lewds to add!), but this release demonstrates a good portion of our vision, and how ToLLA will develop in the future: as a fun, mature, epic role-playing game with hand-crafted visuals and a compelling narrative that blends RPG mechanics with lewd adult scenes. And we're just getting started; the best is yet to come!

Have fun with this release, enjoy the content, and let us know what you think! :)

~ Crimson Delight Games


For anyone interested, we're also offering the Lewds Library & Bonus Art Pack that features much of the game's hand-painted art. It's filled with extra goodies like production sketches, concept art, bonus wallpapers, full-sized character portraits... and most importantly, the lewd scenes in all their 4k glory! This asset pack goes for $25 (it's an extra charge/file during checkout), so consider buying it if you'd like to support us as we work on the game. We'll also be updating it in the future as we produce more content, and anyone who purchases it once gets all future updates free of charge!

Build#2 Patch Notes & Changelog:

  • added exterior homebase and questhub (Fort Ninevus), featuring free-roam and multiple buildings
  • added 1000+ doodads (rocks, trees, shrubs, bushes, flowers, etc.) in and around the exterior areas
  • added 50+ sepia interaction icons, including item containers, tooltips, and event triggers
  • implemented ~8h hours of content over 20 quests (primary, secondary, tertiary) with multiple branching paths and outcomes
  • added 5 new sex scenes (featuring a total of 70+ unique lewds) in 16:9 aspect ratio, accompanied by a slimmed-down textbox
  • added 150,000+ words of text spread out across in-game convos, dialogues, books, and adult encounters throughout the Fort Ninevus zone
  • finished camera & movement implementation (mouselook/click-move, edge scrolling, middle-button screen pan, diagonal sprite-movement)
  • revamped the main dialogue UI (larger portrait-images, centralized text location, tweaked textbox art, dynamic text-color functionality)
  • added 27 unique NPC portraits to the Fort Ninevus, South area
  • added 3 new music tracks to the Fort Ninevus, South area
  • added 1 new loadscreen for asset precaching (Shrine of Sollarius)
  • added movement miniatures (map) and full-body busts (convos) for Hale and Meredith
  • corrected a bunch of text typos and trivial glitches from Build#1 (FPS issues, optimization)
  • added tooltip & popup functionality (mostly for tutorial info-events, and future NPC flavor/feedback barks)
  • expanded the existing Player-reply options with many of the new dialogue tokens (Rank, Companion, G/R/R/K, T/M/S, etc.) and the Captain's unique archetypes (Crusader/Soldier/Mercenary/Trickster/Diplomat/Broker/Drunkard/Lecher/Madman/Warlord)
  • added a bunch of generic NPCs to Ninevus with randomized greetings, one-liners, and flavor barks
  • added 23 core tutorial messages delivered by the Storyteller inside the Fort Ninevus, South area
  • added in-area party banter functionality, allowing continuous messages to be displayed without locking the Player's movement
  • implemented a day-night cycle, along with gradient-color changes to the background map depending on time of day
  • added 4 optional master-tutorials (Camera Controls, Captain's Retinue, Global & Local Crises, Nemesis Parties)
  • greatly expanded the Player options inside the 'Trouble at the Gate' scene (Constable Yarvin talk)
  • implemented another talk with Meredith, in front of Hale's cabin (bridges some of the missing lore)
  • fixed the missing variable in Garadon's quest ('Truisms of Triage'), it'll now correctly track Hale's influence
  • added a couple of additional triggers for Jeoffrey's quest ('Humble Beginnings'), it should fire correctly now
  • cleaned up the scripting for Lizbeth's quest ('Shrouded Prognostication'), she won't get stuck in a loop anymore
  • made slight tweaks to Phileas's convo ('Call to Adventure!'), Player's text should be properly aligned now
  • updated Meredith's appearances in dialogues and on the map to feature her new body-stocking art
  • overhauled some of the item-generation scripting to favor fewer unique/expensive components
  • implemented the 7 orc-hunting tracks for the Player to find, read through, and get +XP from
  • added 14 bark tiles featuring banter from Hale and Meredith... also removed the +XP from them
  • managed to reduce icon jitter by increasing party movespeed to 4.1 (4.0 was causing diagonal issues)
  • added a master switch to bark tiles, preventing new ones from firing while an active one is ongoing
  • greatly expanded the SFX selection for all the sepia icons, each has a unique audio footprint now
  • cleaned the faulty triggers for a couple of the orc-track barks, they shouldn't pop up early now
  • temporarily disabled the area-exit vectors... will be re-enabled once all the maps are linked
  • added an additional +50 barks to the Legionnaires in the starting area, bringing their total to 300+
  • identified and amended the missing filepath that kept crashing the game during Meredith's 2nd talk
  • added about +25% more T/M/S icons to the intro map after multiple play-testers' recommendations
  • Trixie's talk wasn't triggering because the chest she's locked in had an item-generating script... it's now fixed
  • Melindra's encounter always ended in a femdom scene... the flags have been set correctly now (Mal/Rom/Fem)
  • Felicia's scene would bug out and she wouldn't appear if Player talked to Wulfric first... it now works as intended
  • fixed a bug where the Frutus brothers' talk had an infinite loop if Player repeated the same question twice in a row
  • fixed an arithmetic bug where the XP rewards for 'Where Blinded Eagles Fly' would give 10,000x the XP amount
  • added another info-mining loop to Quelthor's dialogue, Player should be able to inquire more about him now
  • the Riddlemaster's tenth and eleventh riddles had incorrect strings for answers... replaced them with correct ones
  • fixed a glitch where Pinsent's talk sometimes bugged out if Player chose to kick him out of the Fort after his convo
  • fixed a bug where Tristian would give Hale a greatsword regardless of Player choice... also added some flavor SFX
  • toned down the gold amounts in the 'Business Venture' quest, bringing them more in line with similar tertiary quests
  • the orcish ring given to Hale by the Burned Whore wasn't triggering the correct info tooltip... it's now been fixed
  • scripted the 'dream sequence' for the introductory event with Durga... Player triggers it when sleeping in Hale's cabin
  • further optimized the pathing maps, and rearranged collisions to more closely follow the art geometry of their areas
  • finalized export and stress-test, no current issue or unexpected behaviors at this time!

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