Tales of Legendary Lust: Aphrodisia, Build#2-G Released!

Hi everyone, hope you're doing great! :)

Today we're releasing ToLLA Build #2-G!

There's a bunch of miscellaneous tweaks, fixes, and additions we've added to the game with this release, but the big one is the content tied to Felicia, the halfling owner of the Smoky Stag tavern where Hale & Meredith have their drinks while fishing for quests. Felicia's content clocks in at almost 15,000 words, and 18 lewd pics! Needless to say, she's a feisty little vixen, tending her bar and entertaining guests with her stories. And even though Felicia runs a tight ship, she's got a major crush on the Captain and will do her best to get into his pants... much to Meredith's annoyance!

You can choose how to handle the situation, including a potential sex scene...

To get the ball rolling on this, talk to Felicia herself - she's located at the Smoky Stag, in the starting Fort area... Progress through her conversation until she asks you to do a hunting quest for her. Once you've accepted, you'll see special purple-colored hunting events pop up around the map. There's 4 in total, and once you've collected all of them you can return to Felicia for your reward! :)

Another major content update in this build is the addition of full voice-overs for the Main Gate event! These came out really nicely and we're proud how good they all sound; you'll now hear the characters arguing back-and-forth, which adds a great deal of immersion and gravitas to the game! We don't have the time or budget to cover every conversation with custom VOs (even though we'd like to do it), so for the time being they'll stay reserved just for the plot-critical encounters... You can expect more of these voiced events in future builds as we produce and implement them to go alongside Captain Hale's progress through the primary storyline.

Furthermore, Kitten got a brand new portrait! He's Captain Hale's faithful direwolf, and his art was painted by Vixi, our lead artist... You can recruit Kitten (and change his name if you want) just after leaving the Captain's Cabin, near the beginning of the game. Right now Kitten's portrait and miniature are locked in, but you'll be able to customize him more to your liking in an upcoming build...

Vixi sketched a bunch of mockups for Kitten's art, and we'll be using a couple of them in the future to let players pick how they want their pet direwolf to look (including the color of his coat and in-game miniature). He's purely decorative for now, but we plan to give him a bunch of useful combat abilities so he can hold his own in fights and justify a spot on the party's active roster...

You can purchase the game here on Itch...

Or wishlist it over on Steam...

Finally, here's the Build#2-G Changelog:

  • added full VO to the Main Gate event with Constable Yarvin, Lucalius Severin, Captain Hale, Meredith, and 3 Legionnaires
  • fixed a bunch of leftover text typos in the Main Gate event, and broke up the scene flow a bit to be make it much easier to follow
  • implemented Felicia's two conversations, custom hunting quest, and lewd reward scene (location: Ninevus South, the Smoky Stag Inn)
  • added broken wargear to Tolliver Crayle's secret stash, so the party gets some weapons & armor salvage generated by the buried warchest
  • lowered the game's default music level to 20% (this can be changed from the title menu, but the current value fits well with the spoken VOs)
  • added unique switches to ancillary NPCs in the Smoky Stag (like Jeoffrey's crew), so when the main convo is finished their followers also disappear
  • recolored the plotcrit/story interaction icons ('!') from sepia to azure, and quest-spawned interaction icons to purple (to make them stand out better)
  • remastered Meredith's bark VOs for the Ninevus South and Southern Wildlands areas (they should be easier to hear now over the background music)
  • tweaked the basic convo panel by extending its UI mask to show the two mouse options "SELECT" & "SCROLL" (left-click & middle-button)
  • made some harvesting events (like Game Hunts) remain invisible while the party is bantering, to prevent immersion-breaking time lapses
  • added Kitten's portrait to the game, including a few color variations that'll be selectable in a future build (alongside his miniature's color)
  • tweaked Kitten's starting interaction miniature/event so it doesn't disappear anymore while Hale & Meredith are bantering in the area
  • switched over completely to nwjs-sdk-50.2 for all future ToLLA deployments & builds (game should run even smoother now)
  • added the save-game icon (azure floppy disk) to the Southern Wildlands, by the Legion's abandoned wizard tower
  • replaced the outgoing Twitter icon and link with Bluesky on the main title screen

That's about it for this build and blogpost, we'll be back with more content once it's ready! We're already working on the next update; the current release took a bit longer than we planned due to New Year holidays, and we'll try to get the next one out the door a bit faster if time permits.

As always, thank you for supporting us! ♥

Take care and stay safe out there! :)

~ Crimson Delight Games


ToLLA Build2G Itch.io.rar 673 MB
50 days ago

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