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This is a three-part collection of high quality, hand-painted portraits made for use in fantasy and medieval games! There's 47 characters with over 300+ variations! These assets can be used for Player Characters, NPCs, companions, friends, foes, demi-human monsters, bosses, and so on, depending on the type of game you're making, and the personality of the characters you're crafting! Our beautiful and vibrant portraits will bring your characters to life by giving them a unique visual appearance and flare!

Feel free to right-click any of these collages, and open them in a new tab to inspect them up close. Most had to be downsized by over 50% to fit on the page - they're even crisper and much larger in their full, uncompressed resolution!

Each image comes in multiple variations, ready for your game-building needs!

Or just use them to spice up your TTRPG sessions with friends, that works too.

The assets come packed in their original 1000x1000 resolution: you can scale them down and crop them as needed to fit within the boundaries of your project. For example, if you want to create tokens for a minimap to represent character locations, you could scale the portraits down to 10% or so, and use the resulting tokens to show dynamic movement on the map. Or flip them, and use their full size in a sort of visual novel setup for close and personal conversations. The original resolution of the images is detailed enough that it gives you plenty of options, and more than enough room to experiment!

The characters' skin complexions and hair pigments cover a wide variety of ancestral biomes, ranging from the ice-bound tundras and frozen forests of the north, to the sweltering jungles and arid deserts of the deep south... and even more exotic locations, like darkly treacherous subterranean caverns... or perhaps even the far reaches of the celestial void...

Race-wise, there's humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, demons, devils, hagspawn, voidborn, various armored guardians, haughty nobles, meek peasants, etc. Class-wise, you can use the portraits for your paladins, fighters, rogues, mages and wizards, druids, clerics, death knights, barbarians, town criers, supply merchants, guards, and so on... There's plenty of variation in there to fit seamlessly into whatever type of game you're making, or playing!

Humans, orcs, drow, faey, demons, dwarves, and halflings ahoy!

There are currently 3 portrait packs available for sale at checkout down below: Volume I, II, and III. They each cost $4.99. If you want only Volume I you can pay just the base price... and if you'd like Volume II or Volume III as well then just add another $4.99 for each at checkout and grab those as well!

Portrait Pack I, with its 14 characters and some of their 72 variations.

We'll be adding more portraits in time (Volume, IV, V, etc.) as we produce them for the base game, but regardless of that you'll always have access to the content you've purchased! For the time being, Volume I contains 14 characters with a total of 72 unique images, Volume II contains likewise 14 characters but with a total of 74 variations, and Volume III is the largest with 19 characters and 167 variations. They come compressed inside .rar files, with the images in .png format!

Portrait Pack II, with its 14 characters and some of their 74 variations.

By purchasing these assets, you gain the right to use them in both your free and commercial projects - the license has no time limit; they're yours for as long as you need them! However, you may not re-sell or re-package or re-distribute or sub-license the assets to others, regardless of how much you modify or change them! Apart from that, they're yours to do with as you wish.

Portrait Pack III, with some of its 19 characters and their 167 variations.

Thank you for your time; we hope you'll make good use of our art! :)

~ Crimson Delight Games


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$4.99 $2.49 USD or more

In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $2.49 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Crimson Delight Games' Medieval & Fantasy Portrait Pack, Volume I.rar 46 MB
Crimson Delight Games' Medieval & Fantasy Portrait Pack, Volume II.rar 49 MB
if you pay $4.99 USD or more
Crimson Delight Games' Medieval & Fantasy Portrait Pack, Volume III.rar 134 MB
if you pay $7.48 USD or more

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